Monday, May 09, 2011

Herr Rot Feinstein at the wheel


Mr roT said...

Wow. What will save the Republic if something happens to Mark Krikorian?

Tecumseh said...

It's a zero-sum game, Mr roT: Each bill would grant specific individuals legal U.S. residency. To balance the immigration books, each bill correspondingly reduces the number of visas available to others. All told, Feinstein's 13 bills would grant 28 illegal immigrants U.S. residency.

Meaning, in plain English, that these illegal immigrants protected by your favorite Senator from California prevent other, would-be legal immigrants from reaching these shores. Ulululululu, eh?

Tecumseh said...

You're deflecting my point by raising a red herring -- classical Mr Straman strategy.

One more time, slowly, with no \lesssims and assorted bs: this is a zero-sum game. Tou know the definition -- it's spelled out in that Sac Bee piece: you cover up for one of those illegal immigrants, and, ipso facto, a would-be legal immigrant (like moi, once upon a time) is denied entry. That simple.

Hasta la vista, baby, eh?

Mr roT said...

The USA has lots bigger problems than this BS. It is fired up every couple years to get the RW rabble out to vote.

The USA is going down the tubes. That is the problem. A mess of illegals or abortions is irrelevant and a sure-fire way to lose an election to US citizens that are too stupid to care what happens to their country.

Tecumseh said...

Red herrings and strawmen. Same old, same old.

Mr roT said...

No, Tecs. This story is a red herring.

Arelcao Akleos said...

The story is not a red herring... it is just another piece of shit ladled onto the shitpile our immigration "Policy" has become.
From a very safe distance, Herr Rott is reasonably sure that he, at least, need not fear drowning in the shit.

Mr roT said...

Horseshit. As usual.

Tecumseh said...

You mean, our immigration policy is not a shitpile, like AA says? OK, then, how would you characterize it?

Mr roT said...

Immig policy is a small bit in a kaleidoscopic shitpile which includes drug policy and arms trafficking.

Perhaps you saw Issa rake your Columbia buddy Holder over the coals a bit back...

Mr roT said...

2000 AK-47s.
