Saturday, July 30, 2011

Let's move to Aguascalientes


Mr roT said...

Tecs and AA's pinko leadership solves the immigration problem.

Soon, we won't be a rival for China, Russia, and the Arabs and we'll be just fine.

Tecumseh said...

Do they have any good beer down there, besides that Corona pisswasser?

Mr roT said...

Everything is Corona pisswasser except Stone IPA.

Tecumseh said...

Guinness in Hibernia is not pisswasser. I guess it's designed to kill some of those bad germs they have in the food there--but not all.

Speaking of which, how's the food on the other side of the Rio Grande? Could I eat something without Montezuma whipping his knout on my stomach?

Mr roT said...

You headed South, Tecs?

Why? Lookin for a job?

Git yer papers in order, because they got cops there just like you like 'em!

Tecumseh said...

Nah--I'm waiting for you to invite me down there. How about Cuernavaca?

Mr roT said...

Try Taxco.

Tecumseh said...

Looks nice. How come no one ever invites me down there? Then again, no one ever invites me to Wienerschnitzel land.