Sunday, September 25, 2011

Tottering on the brink of collapse

What happens when a candidate listens to Herr Rott, instead of moi. It happened to Mac in 2008, and it's happening now to Perry. Like clockwork.

Put another way: we need more flinty Yanks like AA & Tecs, and fewer swaggering, crypto-pinko Texas cowboys to run the GOP. Powww!!


Mr roT said...

Romney is flinty, says Tecs.


Tecumseh said...

Nap time for Perry. He needs it.

Tecumseh said...

who can forget then-Gov. Romney publicly dressing down Turnpike chief Matt Amorello after the Big Dig tunnel collapse? Romney was so mad his hair actually fell out of place. That's being flinty. Poww!