Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Darwin lives. Mohammed dies.

Long may this continue.


My Frontier Thesis said...

As police combed the area later that afternoon, a third man blew himself up after reportedly jumping from a balcony.

So this Islam Militant fellow blew up in mid-flight? Is there some sort of Coanda application here?

Mr roT said...

Heh funny. Maybe he was trying to maximize the damage like with an airburst nuke?

My Frontier Thesis said...

Yeah, I think the Daisy Cutter is rigged to detonate just off the surface of the ground. In the case of this fellah, I wonder if the explosion altered his trajectory much? You and AI know this Coanda stuff much better than I. I'll let you run with it -- maybe another topic for a second dissertation? Hell, after reading how the theory of relativity applies to Harvard Law Journals, I'll bet you could push some paper entitled, "Coanda's Influence on Jihadists and Other Suicide Bombers".