Thursday, April 12, 2007

A hawk who doesn't inhale

Palfrey's civil defense attorney, Montgomery Blair Sibley, told CNN that it was his understanding that Ullman used the business' services but did not engage in sexual activity with the escorts.


My Frontier Thesis said...

Pepe, can't you provide some more pics of the potential prostitutes so we can make better sense out of this story?

Pepe le Pew said...

I have no objection to anyone visiting escorts. Hell, I'd probably still be a virgin if it wasn't for them!
But I like the defense - it's the same as the evangelical crystal meth smoker who hung out with but didn't fuck the gigolo.

Mr roT said...

Just a sec. Your title makes it sound like you're referring to Clinton's,"but I didn't inhale" idiocy. Now you're talking about the homoevangelist.
Clinton categorically said he did not have sex with Lewinsky but he later had to admit he did. The fruit for Jesus roughly did the same, then saying,"but I'm not queer".
This military strategist is saying that this is none of your business, talk to my lawyer (who says nothing).
Sounds about reasonable, given the circumstances. He isn't claiming he didn't screw any of the hookers. He's just saying he's not commenting.

My Frontier Thesis said...

JJ, what is your definition of "is"?

Pepe le Pew said...

clinton said he smoked pot but didn't inhale. Your buddy is visiting hookers but doesn't bone them. If you see a difference there, please point it out.

Mr roT said...

he said he wasn't boning them? where? I mean where does he say this, not where does he not bone them.

Pepe le Pew said...

Palfrey's civil defense attorney, Montgomery Blair Sibley, told CNN that it was his understanding that Ullman used the business' services but did not engage in sexual activity with the escorts.
This is what civilized people say in lieu of our "I didn't bone the bitch", but the idea is the same.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Pepe, what's your definition of "is"?

Pepe le Pew said...

is is is, man.