Sunday, April 01, 2007

Russkie experiments

A she-goat having he-goat grafted testicles? Sounds right up JJ's alley. Quick, apply for an NIH grant!


My Frontier Thesis said...

Those silly Russians are at it again!

Pepe le Pew said...

jj needs less testicules, not more.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Not tesitcles, Pepe. JJ needs money. I keep telling him the value of money, and the idea that gold (although great conduit) has intrinsic monetary value, is nothing more than a cultural construct. Still, it's difficult to fight cultural inertia. He's taken to lashing out at the humanities, even after I — a humanities guy — sent him job announcments.

As a humanist, I've resolved to take matters into my own hand and help my fellow Man: Today, I announce the beginning of the FCP JJ Fund. I've got a couple dimes laying around here. And I could check the sofa too. I figure between the three of us, we could at least get about $1.83 together.

Mr roT said...

NIce job. Try to sell me on Heidegger with a couple bucks.

My Frontier Thesis said...

JJ, you don't need Heidegger. Instead, you're primed to cultivate Class Consciousness, especially considering your monetary plight, and your latest remarks about how others have more money than you.