Thursday, April 12, 2007



My Frontier Thesis said...

What I really ought to do when articles are posted in a tongue I'm unfamiliar with is give myself only five minutes to deconstruct and figure out what it says, and post my summary for you guys to check (or bash — this is, afterall, FCP).

I'll try to remember, but someone try to remind me of this idea in early May when I have more than five minutes to devote to the web.

Tecumseh said...

Hey, how can anyone go through life without speaking French? That said, you didn't lose much in this case -- some kind of insider dope about froggy blogger shenanigans. They know how to blog in France?

Mr roT said...

How will you go through life not being able to read Sartre and Rousseau in the original, mft? Maybe the translators are putting in red herrings to throw off the anglophone, you know...

My Frontier Thesis said...

So much for being upfront about one's shortcomings.

Better to admit that I don't know French than to run through life and fake it — akin to saying one has read Nietzsche — like a true academic (this is not in reference to you fellahs).

With that said, do you know Svenska, AI? How about a bit of Lakota? French wouldn't be a problem, and only takes a bit of time.

How will you go through life not being able to read Sartre and Rousseau in the original

Working on it. But you're right: for now I'll just have to trust Peter Gay. As for Sartre, well, without having digested him up to the present, I think my writing is convoluted enough without his influence. At least I can read the Viking sagas with relative ease in the original.

Mr roT said...

those are worthwhile, I hear.