Wednesday, October 31, 2007
The Romanians are coming!
Maybe there is hope for Italy, after all.
Go back to Russia,
Run for your life
Melons and Skillz
A girl like her sure would make life a sporting proposition.
[It's a good thing it ended up in her cart. Otherwise she'd probably end up as another Hoosegaw Honey. Those spy cameras are everywhere, dudes.]
[It's a good thing it ended up in her cart. Otherwise she'd probably end up as another Hoosegaw Honey. Those spy cameras are everywhere, dudes.]
Girls gone wild,
gringas locos
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Fargo Police: "Oh-Yeah, You-Betcha, Right In Here!"

They came for a purported backstage pre-party with Ozzy Osborne. The Prince of Darkness never looked so dark, so cunning, to this group of 40 individuals.
Opera-ian Politics & America
Anne Applebaum exposes the absurdity, this time not in Russia, but America: the need for spouses of American politicos to moderately parrot their husbands (or wives) before national and international audiences. Of the recent "debate" that 5 of the potential first ladies had, Applebaum calls it all very Opera-ellian:
Applebaum: "The result? There was Michelle Obama, an impressive woman who has put her career on hold to attend events like this; Elizabeth Edwards, who gamely endures this sort of thing despite her cancer; and poor Jeri Thompson, who admitted to sheer terror ("I'm afraid of embarrassing Fred … you don't want to let everybody down"). Nothing of relevance was said, of course. How could it be?"
...but they felt good about doing it.
Nice article, Anne.
Applebaum: "The result? There was Michelle Obama, an impressive woman who has put her career on hold to attend events like this; Elizabeth Edwards, who gamely endures this sort of thing despite her cancer; and poor Jeri Thompson, who admitted to sheer terror ("I'm afraid of embarrassing Fred … you don't want to let everybody down"). Nothing of relevance was said, of course. How could it be?"
...but they felt good about doing it.
Nice article, Anne.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Sarkozy's Apt Apraisal of 60 Minutes...
So is Sarkozy the anti-Pepe, or what? I suppose it's better to tackle that question issue-by-issue.
From Planet Pepe,
Not from Planet Pepe
Ponce, Puerto Rico: Archaeological discussions over spiced rum and ice...

Arawak and Carib pre- and post-Columbian tribes were notorious for their aggression. On the Salt River of St. Croix, circa 1494, one of Columbus' naval expeditions up that river endured a barrage of poison darts and arrows. One can't really fault the Arawaks or Caribs, though: those Euros smelled like a year of body-oder and bad perfume.
Here's what archaeologists recently located ("Discover" is a bit misguided: the damn tablets were always there... someone just needed to move the dirt in the right direction):
Archaeologists also uncovered several graves with bodies buried face-down with the legs bent at the knees -- a style never seen before in the region.
C'mon people, think a little! Knees bent. Face down. A conversation with an archaeological colleague in the office regarding this bent knee, face down burial went something like this:
Archaeological Colleague: "Maybe they were buried that way to symbolize praying?...."
MFT Response: "Knees bent? Face down? This is Arawak/Carib territory, ancilliary tribes of those famous Meso-American religious killers, Aztec, Incas, and otherwise. I'll bet those that were buried were praying, but it may have been right before they were sliced open with fancy obsidian blades. Yeah, they were praying all right..."
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007
MFT, your elders are calling
Ms. McFate stressed her success at getting American soldiers to stop making moral judgments about a local Afghan cultural practice in which older men go off with younger boys on “love Thursdays” and do some “hanky-panky.” “Stop imposing your values on others,” was the message for the American soldiers. She was way beyond “don’t ask, don’t tell,” and I found it heartwarming.
The Ottomans come off pretty good, too. What do you think of that, AI?
The Ottomans come off pretty good, too. What do you think of that, AI?
Mark in Massachusetts
Seating is limited, and early registration is recommended. Please call (617) 789-3672 for more information. Wanna go together, AI?
Friday, October 26, 2007
The JJ method of bed-making
Hey, I really should listen to JJ when it comes to health advice!
Where is JJ?,
Yet another study,
You don't say
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Dianne Feinstein's Bush
Titties coming to downtown Minot, N.D.
The Air-men and -women at the Minot USAF Base need some kind of outlet...
Dakota Territory,
North Dakota
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
USAF Climate Shock: Guam to Minot, N.D.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Pepe was right, I guess
SoCal Wildfires...
There might be hope within this inferno of misery: perhaps the winds will change, and direct the conflagration to take down Disney Land and that big soulless mouse.
We can only pray...
We can only pray...
mft revisits his Scandanavian roots...
The color of the barn from the variety of fieldstones is what I noticed right off.
Dakota Territory,
North Dakota,
Perils of cell phones, CDXXIV
Makes people go nuts, don't they? I say, ban the whole concept, let's get back to the good ole days of real phones.
a great job,
Angry Bison,
Cell phones,
Going Primal,
Juche Bag
Monday, October 22, 2007
Bill Maher Deals with His Own Party Ultras...
...give it just 30 seconds to a minute. Maher kicks out the 9-11 Consipiracy Theorists who forward the delusional theory that the U.S. Government planted bombs to blow up the WTC and... yeah. Not even worth taking the time to summarize.
Hitch reflects on inspiring our Yankee Braves...

And now, this evening, checking in on the Hitch, I catch this Vanity Fair story about another true American gentleman, Mark Daily.
This is front page stuff of the highest order. Glasses in the air to you, gentlemen.
Not from Planet Pepe
It keeps piling up...
mft's Archaeological Office (at least last week)
Dakota Territory,
North Dakota
David Dazzles in the Promised Land
No matter how lonely David gets, he can always talk to Wilson
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Dakota Colors...
First world at last?
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Harry Potter and the Temple of Bum
So, isn't she playing right into the stereotype of the brit 'public schools' being hotbeds of hot beds?
Friday, October 19, 2007
Pelosi on Fire
When the NPR types were confidently predicting that Turkey would destabliize Iraq, is this what they were planning?
Thursday, October 18, 2007
The Nation is now part of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy??
For once The Nation speaks truly Truth to Power.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
The Metaphoric Cold, Hard, Truth
Ah, Youth, Youth, Youth.....
I guess they're rioting because it is an insult to...."Youth World View" .... to be offed by the kuffr coppers who wouldn't play dhimmi. Now there's a new theological conundrum for this "Friend of Theo's Killer", do you get the 72 virgins if it is a female kuffr who sends you to Allah?
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Sunday, October 14, 2007
intercourse as rape?
A Women's Studies lecturer I knew said a colleague once told her outright, "You'll never have any street cred, Jennifer, because you don't sleep with women." For meanstreamers, the lesbian allegiance was all anyone could ever be asked to give; it was, in fact, more than most were willing to make. All you really needed to do was grit your tongue and give it a try -- a rite of passage, a gesture of solidarity. After that you could get back to planning your wedding. That's why the university lesbian interlude has been compressed into mock acronyms like BUG, "bisexual until graduation."
Check this out. Anyone check out Pleasant Hell by John Dolan? Reviews, anyone?
Check this out. Anyone check out Pleasant Hell by John Dolan? Reviews, anyone?
Saturday, October 13, 2007
I've never been so proud
Sanchez is from Rio Grande City, TX, about 13 miles from my hometown of Roma, TX. Perhaps we should put the fence a few miles north of Rio Grande?
Hey, this is Great!
the profs say so. Now if only those Nazis Ratzinger and Bush would give way to Al Gore and peace-loving Ahmadinejad, we'll all be just fine.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Comrade Gore is a Nobel Man.

As we behold a shining new star in the pantheon of officially lauded Idiots for a Radiant Future, it's clear that the mistake we made -- JJ,AI,MFT --was in not realizing the road to Nobel riches and glory is not through science or discovery of true things, but through political demagoguery and industrious production at the Ministry of Truth.
I Guess It Wasn't a Honkie
If it was a Honkie, good ol Columbia would have had no problem whatsoever in letting the coppers take a look. Heck, they would already have expelled or fired whoever they saw on that tape. This code of Omerta only works in one direction on Planet Pepe.
Tall Fish Tales
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Might've been tough to do with bombs, AI
...and AA, they're not all fanatics. Looks like we're (the USA) winning because your arguments (a la LGF) are losing. Just as a reminder, I was always on this side and I'm the only native-born American to have gotten in this fight. (MFT is for bombing Falwell too). Maybe it's the air and water in Laredo, TX that give me perspective. Maybe it's just a bit of in media stat virtus... We'll never know the full glory that is me, but let's take this at least as a lesson and send me my fokken' VCP!
Monday, October 08, 2007
Oil and Water...
According to Yahoo! news latest, Britney's got a new floppy video out, the juiced up Marion Jones returned her Olympic medals, and neo-Nazis started a riot in Kosovo. Meanwhile, the Arctic icecaps are getting a bit smaller, and this in turn is exposing oil fields at the top of the world. Ice-breakers from several counties have been symbolically re-asserting territorial claims, and Putin planted a flag on the ocean floor, just below St. Nick's toy factory.
Tomorrow I'll be one in a group of archaeological subcontractors to identify the cultural resources so a 30" diameter pipeline can ultimately be routed through the Dakotas, run from the Alberta, Canada oil fields down to refineries in Illinois and Oklahoma. The pipeline is going to run through eastern Dakota, entering from the Canadian border around Walhalla, in northeastern North Dakota, and exiting into Nebraska in southeastern South Dakota, right through the eastern half of the old Territorial capital of Yankton.
Meanwhile, Fargo's mayor is protesting the Canadian pipeline, because the Canadians often protest and impede anything that happens with the Red River of the North -- it ultimately flows into Lake Winnipeg, and then the Hudson Bay. And last night, while at a local sports tavern, with my anthropological lenses on, I watched a near fight break out between Green Bay Packers and Chicago Bears football fans. They had a tinge of English Hooligan in them, but their hearts just wouldn't carry them through. True fans would be getting out of the drunk tank and county lock-up this evening.
Is that about what it looks like from your respective angles, fellahs? This doesn't even account for the crazy in Tehran, and something about hugs in Hong Kong.
Tomorrow I'll be one in a group of archaeological subcontractors to identify the cultural resources so a 30" diameter pipeline can ultimately be routed through the Dakotas, run from the Alberta, Canada oil fields down to refineries in Illinois and Oklahoma. The pipeline is going to run through eastern Dakota, entering from the Canadian border around Walhalla, in northeastern North Dakota, and exiting into Nebraska in southeastern South Dakota, right through the eastern half of the old Territorial capital of Yankton.
Meanwhile, Fargo's mayor is protesting the Canadian pipeline, because the Canadians often protest and impede anything that happens with the Red River of the North -- it ultimately flows into Lake Winnipeg, and then the Hudson Bay. And last night, while at a local sports tavern, with my anthropological lenses on, I watched a near fight break out between Green Bay Packers and Chicago Bears football fans. They had a tinge of English Hooligan in them, but their hearts just wouldn't carry them through. True fans would be getting out of the drunk tank and county lock-up this evening.
Is that about what it looks like from your respective angles, fellahs? This doesn't even account for the crazy in Tehran, and something about hugs in Hong Kong.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Thierry Meyssan on Global Economy
You might remember Meyssan's name from the byline of his book entitled something like Effroyable Imposture in which he admits, that, yes, the WTC went down because of some islamic extremists, but the Pentagon hit on the same morning was an inside job.
I eagerly await his future pronouncements.
I eagerly await his future pronouncements.
Friday, October 05, 2007
Ah, Yes, Playing According to French Rules
A shame Le Pew ran for them thar' hills ululating like a banshee lost in Okeefenokee. After all, it would be stories like this that would have offered him such pride in the civilizational virtues of France [as opposed to us murderin' rapin' deservin' Dada ricains ]
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Gonzo Journalist...
While San Diego slides into the Pacific Ocean, on the other side of the country emerges a decent journalist: he got the photos, and then got the crook. A classic case of Gonzo Journalism.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Kind of smacks of the Pinkertons...

There's nothing wrong with "acting like a cowboy..." Whatever the hell that means. Individuals need to assess the situation, and make logical choices based off available information. Yet it's important that a Sense of Pride doesn't get the best of these modern day Pinkertons, and corrupt what could otherwise be a helpful outfit (Blackwater) in a world increasingly wrought with shit, piled atop an even more interesting mass of piss and shit.
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