Gotta hand it to him. He really knows how to predict the opinions of the smartest people in the World. [This requires a pic. Just another day at the office, right, Doris darling? -- AI]
It's a waste of time to get into a bodycount argument with this old has-been laureate.
We all know about the IRA. What's interesting in that regard, though, is the myth that permeates some of the lesser-informed in America. Specifically those who -- for whatever reason -- idealize the Irish, and then think they are doing Ireland a service by making some statement about how the IRA is going to liberate them from British rule. I keep encountering this throughout the Dakotas. Have you fellahs noticed anything similar on your respective ends?
I personally havedn't noticed that, but I'm sure it exists, though the pro-IRA attitude among the local Irishmen must have been much more pronounced before Whitey Bulger went on the lam.
They all think the same. There must be something in the water they drink on the Rive Gauche.
It's a waste of time to get into a bodycount argument with this old has-been laureate.
We all know about the IRA. What's interesting in that regard, though, is the myth that permeates some of the lesser-informed in America. Specifically those who -- for whatever reason -- idealize the Irish, and then think they are doing Ireland a service by making some statement about how the IRA is going to liberate them from British rule. I keep encountering this throughout the Dakotas. Have you fellahs noticed anything similar on your respective ends?
I'm wondering if it's noticable in Boston?
I personally havedn't noticed that, but I'm sure it exists, though the pro-IRA attitude among the local Irishmen must have been much more pronounced before Whitey Bulger went on the lam.
AI, I'm a bit ignorant. Could you expand on Whitey Bulger for me?
AI, you still on the lam or in Boston-town?
Here is a recent story about Whitey Bulger.
Is that wiseguy with the IRA then?
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