Now..... What do you think he has in mind exactly? I say his model is Iran's Revolutionary Guard, with a dose of SS and a dash of KGB security command. After all his years of impotence, Le Pew salivates at the prospect of dressing up in the height of Vichy fashion and playing Colonel Klink.
But he wants his Guard to be at least as strong as the military (Army, Navy, and Marines, presumably). How does he plan to do that? Please enlighten us, pepe.
he almost sounds like a second amendment nut.
Except for a few "small" details. The second amendment "nut" says: A citizen has the right to bear arms.
Planet Pepe's Obamator says: "I will build a mighty armed force, as powerful as the combined existing armed forces, but purely for domestic reasons, under the control of the National Government. Don't ask me why, it's obvious why".
Little details, beyond the ken of Le Pew's pathetically misfiring two tiny neurons. And Pepe never asks Why.
Pauvre Le Pew. Always dreaming of blood.
"I'd act"??
Wrong tense, Pauvre Le Pew.
As for "seize", that is the language of Versailles. Free people elect governments, Socialist thugs seize governments. Another one of those "small details" beyond the ken of your two little gasping and heaving neurons bleu.
But don't worry, You'll make a smashing Commander of the Revolutionary Guard.
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