Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The Counts as of around Midnight, EST

OBAMA: 50,937,491
MCCAIN: 47,144,053

In terms of popular vote, this was a close election. Location, location, location...

Electoral College is a Strong Win for Obama. Not a "Landslide", but sure enough to bury McCain.

That's All, Folks!


Tecumseh said...

Links are not working, AA. But that's the least of our worries.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Actually, AI, there was originally no link. Was just signing off on the night. However, your comment made me realize that the post deserved a link that caught the spirit of how the World views Obamacles Imperator. Hence, a link to Pepe's beloved Pravda Numero Uno.