Sunday, November 09, 2008

MSM is Funnier than Iowahawk. Who Knew?

..... they can't be serious,...right?


Mr roT said...

OK, wonderful, yes, but how about gayer than Barney Frank?

Mr roT said...

How does this jibe with this?

Just asking.

Tecumseh said...

Turning on a dime.

Mr roT said...

Turning on a dime is called being a loyal opposition. We south Texans don't get that so easily as real Americans.
I always found it hard to believe that the graciousness in defeat and good winner bullshit was heartfelt.

"Two-four-six-eight, Who do we appreciate?" we used to holler after killing opponents in little league. Be a good sport son, you step on someone going up, they'll be right there waiting for you on your way back down...

I think it is a nice fiction a lot better than the monkeys dancing and spiking footballs in the endzone.

Likely it will end soon now that Obama is in insulting Nancy Reagan of all people.