Sunday, November 09, 2008

Sell, Pepe, sell!

The silver lining in all this is that Pepe will have to pay higher taxes. Ah, schadenfreude.


Pepe le Pew said...

who gives a shit about these policies: does anybody have any income left after 8 years of deregulatory nonsense ? There's no cushy tenure at my job.

Arelcao Akleos said...

A Gelding by any other name is made of Geld.

Enjoy lickspittling your Imperator, Le Pew.

Pepe le Pew said...

economic eunuchs have opinions about financial matters? that's funny. i imagine you have one about just about everything ?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Hmmm.. you have found a phrase which alliterates, and that bauble boggles your two little neurons. Whatever.

As for opinion, Le Pew, for whatever stupidity you would ladle onto this earth there is a need to open the sluice gates. And somebody's gotta open those gates.

Pepe le Pew said...

you have found a phrase which alliterates

or a phrase that describes accurately the sad reality of your existence ?

Arelcao Akleos said...

So, to a Versaillean Aristo being a peasant is "sad". What a shock. Next you'll be telling us that being Le Roi Soleil is "good", even "Magnifique".
That, and other "truthiness" of the Low IQ set, coming soon on Planet Pepe.

Pepe le Pew said...

being a peasant is "sad".

well. it's a bit like being a proctologist: it's a useful profession, but I'm glad someone else is doing it.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Uh Huh, the Aristo is glad someone else is the peasant. Next we'll discover Versailles has a fondness for champagne, dickless men and dickful women, truffles, and the blandishments of the Turk. The World is Turned Upside Down by all this truthiness.

Pepe le Pew said...

Certainly we have more use for the intellectual elites that your continually and strangely rag on. A good portion of the peasant work is best performed by machinery.

Pepe le Pew said...

some exceptions to the statement above is the selection of quality grapes for the production of fine wines, which cannot be delegated to a robot.
The irony here is that this labor is for the enjoyment of that same elite ! Talk about a life of servitude...

Mr roT said...

Wow! We've had some wars here at FCP, but usually it was pinko vs goldwater.

Now we have class warfare too. I thought we were all middle class here, but with some of us sucking the assus of Buckley and others Mao.

I stand corrected. Let me throw my dime into this and say that wine is good and we need peasants like Pepe to sommelier it and peasants like AA to pick it.

I'll sit on my verandah swing with the blonde in the cotton dress admiring the live oaks and sipping the products of your discernment and labor, resp.

Pepe le Pew said...

Wouldn't you say the class warfare on fcp was initiated almost at inception with "versailles", "aristo", etc... ? This is nothing new.

Arelcao Akleos said...

The War between Aristo Le Pew and "subclasses" has been long ongoing, JJ. Before he pranced, pissing on peasants, he boogied, bucking the bourgeois. Bleu Blood against Red Blood, Arrogance against Reason, Dhimmitude against Fighting Spirit, Vichy against Resistance, Cowardice against Courage, Narcissistic blindness against aware Objectivity, Versailles against Calais. It's an old story.