Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Some Thoughts from a Neocon

[NRO] David Kahane's amanuensis:

1) We got this the old-fashioned way: we earned it. The other side took the fight to us, and we never took the fight to the other side, except coyly and obliquely...... "Honorable campaigns" are for losers.

2) Where was Bush? Once again, and right to the bitter end, he let his passion for "loyalty" supersede what was stragetically right for the party, not to mention what was best for the country. I think his reputation has nowhere to go but down; yes, he got one big thing right, but he got everything else wrong. Enough of this family in our country's politics!

3) Good riddance to Liddy Dole, the woman who gave us the national drinking age of 21 and a host of sozzled underage college students. She won't be missed.

4) Hillary comes out smelling like a rose, plus unbloodied. She and Bill are already scoping out 2012.

5) Time to clean house. McCain should have been president in 2000, not in 2008. No more "it's my turn" for the last loser.
7) One upside: McCain/Feingold is now dead, as is public financing. Talk about being hoist with your own petard!
10) Age matters. McCain ran an "honorable campaign" because he never really understood in his heart that the other guy had no intention of doing so; he didn't "get" Obama's generation, or Axelrod's.. Obama would lie about public financing, "oppose" gay marriage but also oppose Prop. 8 and never see it as morally contradictory. The world that McCain understood and operated in is vanishing, and tonight is visible evidence
12) Understand, once and for all, that the old media is part of the Democratic Party now. Ignore it. ...... Don't play by their rules: make our own.


Mr roT said...

sounds like headhunters' party outside. locking doors.

Tecumseh said...

JJ Rove: ah well.

Mr roT said...

Mitt would have done better? Even MFT opposed him because blacks weren't allowed in the LDS church till recently.

On the other hand...