Monday, December 15, 2008

Al-Qaeda = GOP?


Tecumseh said...

In the Arab world reactions often ranged from predictable silence to open cheering of "the Invasion of infidel Bombay." In Britain the attack was repeatedly either unblinkingly excused by mainstream Muslim organizations or openly celebrated by tolerated Muslim radicals. Even in the US many Muslims greeted the news either by refusing to condemn it or by celebrating it.

As for Pepe, he predictably ducked and bobbed and ululated, in his patented rope-a-dope. Bottom line, in plain English: enabler for the head-hackers.

And of course the narrative of Muslim vulnerability quickly took hold across the Western media, no doubt confirming the jihadists' hopes that their "grievances" were getting through. There's even an incipient Palestinian-style occupation story being incubated.

Intifada in India? Wow! I didn't think of that, but hey, the list of grievances is infinite, they got to expand their lebensraum. Next target: Siberia.

Mr roT said...

I wonder if the 'West' will keep coddling these creeps now that it's not even the 'West' anymore.