Didn't you mention something about trying to visit Dakota this winter-spring? Anyhow, this T-bone is what I prepared this Saturday for lunch. After removing the medium-rare t-bone (one needs to let it rest for 5 minutes), I splashed some cabernet into the cast iron skillet, reduced, and poured it over the top of the said t-bone.
Last week was a fairly good pork stir fry up, garnished with a Grolsch and some 12 year blended scotch whiskey (thanks Dewar's).
I'm throwing the leftover t-bone into the freezer, and plan on using it for the beef stock base to a miso soup I'll prepare sometime down the road...
Looks good, MFT. You and JJ are some kind of master cooks. Where do you learn all this stuff? I still can't figure out how to properly boil an egg, let alone fry meat.
Ok, MFT, I seethe
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