Really Right would have been to wrap those pirates in chains, put Little Planet Pepe hats on them, and dragged them through the towns of Greater Barbary as a mocked example to all little IM buggers who see the perfect confluence of Greed and Jihad.
Now if only we could do something similar to the Madoffs of this world, and all his Aristo brethren.
The Indians should've sailed down to the waters off the Cape of Good Hope, and performed a good old fashioned "Walk the Plank!" But alas, this is a dream I could never act on, and would refuse to support. Even in the face of such barbarism, one needs to maintain a sense of ethics, a sense of what Civilization entails.
Agreed, and yet it is sooooooooo tempting.
Oh well, those 1$ a day diets will fortify the spirit.
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