Sunday, December 14, 2008

Mac coming back to his senses


Tecumseh said...

Classic Jean-Francois Mac. I tell ya, this guy is more shifty than a 3-card monte player. Hail to Planet JJ!

Arelcao Akleos said...

Actually, seeing how he resented anything she did to make his moribund campaign spark up, it would be surprising if now he had changed his mind and actually supported her. Johnny was the most indifferent "campaigner' for the Presidency since Buchanan.

Tecumseh said...

Yep. Even Bob Dole was a better campaigner -- as I was predicting way back when. But noooo, said JJ, Mac is a fighter -- fighter pilot. Oh, yeah? He's good at fighting against the Republicans, but when it comes to arguing with the Democrats, he's a pussycat. The ideal candidate to have to run against. May as well have a one-party system, and be done with it. Woulda saved $1 billion in campaign expenses -- 2% of the Madoff loot!