Sunday, June 21, 2009

On a Lighter Note, Why Without MadJad this Would Have Been a Good Day to Be AA

Also, Bung This, Rossi


Mr roT said...

You can watch soccer during baseball season? Jesus!

Mr roT said...

Incidentally, you remember we would go to watch soccer games at the Ale House in Houston?

Well, the Ale House is closed, sort of. It has moved to another location, but the food is the same. They also have Stone IPA on draft, so all is well.

Another similarity new to old, from the front door of the new location there is another giant white wall across the lot, like at the old place, so that after an afternoon of two matches and 5-6 Franziskaners, the blinding sun on the wall and the mallet of heat meeting you on your exit is enough to put you in the ER.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Ah, Houston, it's what Tejans died for

Arelcao Akleos said...

Fess up, it's memories of that which make you miss Mass so.

Now let me go broil in a 68 degree fahrenheit heat wave that dessicates the River Charles.

Mr roT said...

Bend ovah!