Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Alvin Ailey does Topology


Arelcao Akleos said...

I'd like to know what proof he drank tonight before writing that piece

Mr roT said...

While the evening was filled with beautiful dancing, what really gets me going are structures that can be extracted from a dance for the benefit of the field. Memoria proved amenableto such analysis, and as such, would have been enough on its own to make the evening.

Give them credit, Tecs. At least they know that the algebra mumbojumbo (field, amenable group) stuff is nonsense and you need analysis to make topology function.

Of course there is the Kayla angle:

On the other hand, if one punched a second hole in the donut, it would no longer be the same topology.

Tecumseh said...

You cut to the chase, Mr Rot. I noted that bit about punching a hole in the donut to change its topology, but its full import escaped me. You have a truly Rotten mind!

Mr roT said...

Kayla summers in the Alps, Tecs...

Tecumseh said...

Them mountain goats got a bigger Betti number, now.