Thursday, August 27, 2009

VDH drinks the objective media Kool-Aid

If the past is any guide to media and public reaction, some predications seem warranted. Obama will enjoy far more patience, since the anti-war left and a liberal media will go easier on a kindred president.

Yet if casualties peak, the American people will sour on Afghanistan as they did on Iraq. Then even Obama, I think unfairly
[ ! ], will be blamed in the media for a war that Americans used to think - as in the case once of Iraq - was necessary and just.

And even reluctant Charlie Gibson might have to return to covering Cindy Sheehan's latest pursuit of a beleaguered American president.

Yeah, right. Taranto so much more on the ball.


Tecumseh said...

Hmmm... I don't quite get it. So OK, Taranto and VDH don't quite say the same thing (duhhh, it's different columns), but how exactly do they differ in substance? Me dense, please illuminate me and draw a CD so that I can follow your argument, Mr Rot.

Mr roT said...

Charlie Gibson is going to cover a bunch of raving lunatics following Sheehan around in the same straight face as they were covered when they were going after Bush?

What a laugh.

Mr roT said...

...also, what's so "unfair" abut blaming Obama for an Afgh fuck-up-capitulation?

Tecumseh said...

Gibson: who gives a rat's ass about him? I haven't watched ABC/CBS/NBC since about 1989.

As for Obama & Afghanistan: Let's not fall into the mirror image of BDS. While schdenfreunde may be good for the soul, and there is some poetic justice to this, we're talking about real blood-and-flesh grunts spilling their guts in that Godforsaken country. Better question is: can we kick Taliban ass, and kill dead enough of the bad guys to make them cry uncle? If yes, just do it. If not, what the hell are we doing there?

Mr roT said...

Charlie Gibson is a synecdoche. He means the MSM.

Tecumseh said...

In late 2001, Afghanistan was the place to go and kick ass -- no fucking question about that. Eight years alter, the place is starting to stink.

Last totally stupid assignment the military had was under Bubba -- in Somalia. Kosovo was not much better, but at least we didn't lose many men there.

So what's to be done? How about getting back to the Coanda solution? Just bomb the shit out of the Taliban from up high, and forget about those boots on the ground, it's too messy.