Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Krauthammer's Take


Tecumseh said...

Triple VCP: Here, and here, and here. Make it a jeroboam.

Mr roT said...

You posted Krauthammer thrice? Aren't you worried he'll think you're some kind of homo stalker?

But point taken. Now that I am back in the world of the World Wide Web, I have no excuses.

Tecumseh said...

Well, I didn't link to Kraut per se, but I posted 3 times on the topic. While at it, there are dozens on orphan posts below. So OK, some are lame, and some are stale by now, but maybe you could click on a few, nonetheless, before piling up on top.

Mr roT said...

Just pay up.

Tecumseh said...

Trying to weasel out of it? Remember, 3 VCP at Sacher's. Or bust.

In other news, King rips Holder a new one.

Tecumseh said...

Pepe at the wheel, still whining.

Unknown said...

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Arelcao Akleos said...

It seems Jenifer has a business which seeks to capitalize on the miserable promise of AmeriSoc.

Be careful, Ms. Jenifer, you might be labeled a Kulak or, Obama forbid, a Wrecker.