Preparing a bacon explosion "requires the minimum of culinary talent" and the ingredient list is short. It is made from two pounds of thick cut bacon, two pounds of Italian sausage, one jar of barbecue sauce, and one jar of barbecue rub/seasoning. Let's try it! What beer goes with it?
I. Am. Impressed.
And already my mind has been racing as to the application of the bacon weave. Certainly it transcends (yes, a religious experience) the mere bacon explosion, as one could wrap just about anything in a bacon weave. I'm corresponding with local chefs. I'll post the results sometime this winter.
Make sure to record the new, improved recipe on wiki. The world needs to know.
Methinks one needs to put something in the palpitating core of this concoction. Like, some hard cheese, which will melt. Would that work? Or will it get all gooey? We need an experiment.
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