His is arguably the most moronic single piece of writing read so far this year.... and this year has had a vast river of moronic writ cascading from Pepetopia into the peasant realms below. There was a time I would have described such as "unbelievable crap". But by now it is Crap you can Believe in.
Oh, yeah, Andy, your "Obama’s promise was and is a rebranding of America (which was the primary reason I supported him)" riff is as crapulacious as your "logic". Unlike your "logic", though, which is merely the debris of a pathetic and broken mind, your riff is a conscious lie. That exquisite coincidence of timing between your acquiring a per annum stipend from Da Great Soros, fending off all sorts of legal and financial difficulties you had landed in, and your "enlightenment" as to the wonders of AmeriSoc, is really too exquisite even for your rococo tastes; never mind our pedestrian Yankee ones.
Say hi to Pepe for us, if he yet lives, in your harem of gerbils.
Much stronger piece here, though by Tisdale, not an official member of Tecs' fruity thinktank.
Thank you for the preamble, and yes, we're doomed by these Chamberlainophilic wusses.
A perfect example of Pepean logic you have adduced here, AA. The only thing missing: the "Pepean logic" label. Tsk, tsk, tsk.
Mr Rot: It's Tisdall, not Tisdale. Pow.
WHat about Tecs' fruity thinktank? What about Don't worry-says Tecs-Barry went to Harvard?
Dunno, guys; a lot of slippin here.
Sorry, Tecs, I don't keep up with your thinktank so much these days.
You brought up this Reuters hack.
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