Saturday, July 03, 2010

Awesome awesome awesome


Tecumseh said...

More: It was a bright, sunny, and sunshine-filled morning, and with my magnifying glass in hand (I'm a journalist), I stretched out by the shore, which I discovered tossed and turned, sort of as rough as it was calm, breathing new life into the horizon before me. As the luscious water churned like melted fudge, it washed up to my toes, tickling my flip-flop-clad feet, and I felt strongly a new faith and hope and promise for American progress and domestic ingenuity. After all, watching it visually, eyeing it with my own round eyes, seeing it, glancing at it in this light, squinting from the glint of the Gulf's enduring sparkle, I knew this visible vision was appearing as a sign. Soon the heavenly clouds, which I realized were also very white, parted, gently, and streaks of gold streamed down into the chocolaty oceans, like yellowy straws into the Starbucks iced-coffee that I enjoyed earlier with the friendly and cheerful and upbeat locals.

My concentration and investigative reporting were soon interrupted, however though, by a duck, who strode ashore, and seemed to chuckle at his surroundings, happily.

Yes, I found myself agreeing, jotting down in my mahogany-hued Moleskine: we all could use a change of scenery.

Mr roT said...

... I love Big Brother.