Friday, July 02, 2010

Death panels are an urban legend


Mr roT said...

Hmm, revisionist Tecs comes out in force with the airbrush and the razor wire.

It was crazy, hysterical, no-brain Sarah Palin that predicted this while you and the Boola^2 crowd poo-pooed and claimed she was Jerry Falwell's mother instead of Bristol or something.

Why don't you and Andrew Sullivan talk it over the next time you're in P-P-town?

Tecumseh said...

Will go there in a bit -- just waiting till it gets warmer. A coupla years ago I was strolling down the main drag of P-town, when guess who I bumped into? Okay, I'll give you a hint: his first name is Barney.

Mr roT said...

What a drag!