Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Harry Reid channels Herr Rot



Mr roT said...

Of course there are no illegals in the building trades in Nevada. There's no such thing as an illegal at all.

Tecs, you need to work on the logic circuits before you go after an old boxer that's been knocked out Avogadro's number of times.

Tecumseh said...

Deval Patrick also channels Herr Rot. Oh, duhh.

Mr roT said...

0=0, Tecs.

Your Gov is about like your Rep Barney and your Senators John and Olympia.

I don't think furriners like you should vote. Turning the whole place into the 69th arrondissement.

Tecumseh said...

The logic is lost along the way. And, by the way, how come you left out Kerry? I thought you've been pulling for him, lately.

Mr roT said...

"...your Rep Barney and your Senators John and Olympia."

I meant Kerry when I wrote "Senator John." Who'd you think I meant, Fritz John?