Saturday, July 03, 2010

Malkin tries Cartesian logic with Herr Rot

George Washington, in a letter to John Adams, stated that immigrants should be absorbed into American life so that “by an intermixture with our people, they, or their descendants, get assimilated to our customs, measures, laws: in a word soon become one people.”

In a 1790 speech to Congress on the naturalization of immigrants, James Madison stated that America should welcome the immigrant who could assimilate, but exclude the immigrant who could not readily “incorporate himself into our society.”

Racists all, of course.


Mr roT said...

Where's the ho-bags label?

Tecumseh said...

Malapropism, thy name is Der Rotter.

Mr roT said...

Non sequitur, thy Pope is Tecs.

Tecumseh said...

I'll take that. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Mr roT said...

No way. I would never misuse malapropism! Powww! Go back to Russia!