Saturday, July 10, 2010

McCain goes Col. Kilgore


Tecumseh said...

. But few people can have predicted just how far McCain would go in rowing away from the previous positions that won him praise as recently as 2007 when he co-sponsored reform legislation with famed liberal Senator Ted Kennedy. McCain then appealed for illegal immigrants to be treated as human beings, and granted a path to citizenship in return for payment of back taxes. He was praised by liberals...

... and by Rot. Oh yeah, and by Rot.

Mr roT said...

Have you paid your taxes, Tecs?

Tecumseh said...

In spades.

Mr roT said...


Arelcao Akleos said...

McCain has lost any sense of shame.

Mr roT said...

Shame: Totally. He's starting to sound like Tecs.

Tecumseh said...

Wish he would. Unlike Mac, I speak straight.