Monday, July 12, 2010

Picking garbage is illegal??


Arelcao Akleos said...

Well, that makes me a career criminal.

Tecumseh said...

Is this a quirky NYC law, or something common? I had no idea one can get ticketed for hauling away some garbage. Got me some pieces of furniture in the old days this way...

Tecumseh said...

A novel way to squeeze the stinking peasants.

Mr roT said...

"The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread."

Anatole France, Le Lys Rouge

Mr roT said...

About the trans-fats, AA, that's about the dumbest comment you've put up here.

Yes, the laws of the market are the ones at the top of the pile, but clients can't very well pressure a restaurant out of business that gets them sick 20 years after they eat there.

The invisible hand becomes the invisible brain.

Arelcao Akleos said...

What a crock of shit. Vindobenensis. Grant the government the power to forbid your cooking methods because of its opinion as to its relative long term health, there ain't any mortal power it can't, or won't if so inclined, arrogate to itself.
Require customers be informed? So they can decide if that coconut oil the Thai's like to use, or that crispola the McDonalds rigged for their fries, is something they want to indulge in? Ok. Being in the know at least minimizes how much of your choices are based on ignorance.... But to forbid people their choices [as long as it is not aimed at hurting others] is frank Pepean arrogance piled on thuggishness founded on a pure contempt for the very notion of freedom of the individual will.

To put it in a context you can understand, since there are relative long term drawbacks to your health to swill pints then by your lights Bloombergers are just hunky dory if they reslap prohibition onto New York, or more.

The Rott deepens in Wiener.

Mr roT said...

Trans fats also occur naturally to a limited extent: Vaccenyl and conjugated linoleyl (CLA) containing trans fats occur naturally in trace amounts in meat and dairy products from ruminants, although the latter also constitutes a cis fat.

Yeah, in Thailand trans fats are traditional. In Phuket a trans fat is a lardass with tits and a cock.