Thursday, July 08, 2010

Rot out of the mainstream


Mr roT said...

They're all pullin for Honecker's "documents, please?"

Tecumseh said...

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Broken record.

Tecumseh said...

Honeckerians everywhere.

Tecumseh said...

A bad day for Herr Rot.

Tecumseh said...

A letter from the AZ Guv: Mr. President, the need for action to secure Arizona's border could not be clearer. Recently, my office received a number of calls from constituents concerned at reports of new sign postings in interior counties of Arizona warning residents not to access federal lands due to criminal activity associated with the border. These warnings signal to some that we have handed over portions of our border areas to illegal immigrants and drug traffickers. This is unacceptable. Instead of warning Americans to stay out of parts of our own country, we ought to be warning international lawbreakers that they will be detained and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Ah, can't have that, says Herr Rot. It would be straight out of Honecker's playbook. Or is it Himmler's? Ah, whatever.

Mr roT said...

She's right that we need martial law in the US.

Tecumseh said...

Enforcing current (federal) immigration law -- which is what the AZ law basically does --equals "martial law"? Only in Rotter Fuzzy Logik.