Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Al Gore has the asnwer

.. as to why snow keeps piling up. Oh, duhhh.


Arelcao Akleos said...

Crap, Tecumseh, I had a wonderful post about to be unleashed on the world, one connecting Al Gore to Unfalsifiability to Soros to Obamakles as the GUT of the Pepeanic Weltanschaung....and to base fraud au mode Chicago..

But now you have much to "asnwer" for.

Tecumseh said...

Go ahead and post this all-encompassing GUT. I'm not like ROT, won't complain about another post in the general vicinity. Let a thousand flowers bloom, and all that jazz.

Mr roT said...

AA, I think we have found common ground finally. Tecs must pay.