Friday, February 04, 2011

Bernanke explains the exponential curve to Rot

If something can’t go on forever, it will stop. Mais non, mais non, says Rot. Just keep on truckin'.


Mr roT said...

Tecs, try to integrate by parts a bit. Maybe you will be more like 2 emperors quick.

Tecumseh said...

Integrate by parts?? Why not just separate variables, and be done with it? You're slippin', Herr Rot. Badly. Evidently, too much kaiserfleisch and schnapps is not too good for your mental acuity. You should try the Trattoria. And pay the tab. The tab.

Mr roT said...

no \lessims that way, Tecs. Just trivial =s.

Tecumseh said...

But gets the job done, with no fuss and muss. What's so bad about that?

Mr roT said...

Well, for one thing, I know that the solutions to y'=y actually do go on forever, and won't stop.

I think you need to think this over, Tecs.

Tecumseh said...

Depends what y is. Take, for instance, y(t)={Rot's tab at time t}. Put it in your pipe, and smoke it.