After more than a quarter-century in the Senate — a tenure that included an unsuccessful run for president — it’s about time Kerry finds his voice. For years, he toiled in Ted Kennedy’s shadow. Then, as the Democrats’ 2004 presidential nominee, he squandered the opportunity by presenting himself in a way that allowed him to be caricatured as an overly-nuanced flip-flopper. After Kennedy’s death, Republican Scott Brown won the newly-dubbed “people’s seat,’’ shocking the political world and creating a new shadow for Kerry to toil under.
Back at home, Kerry doesn’t always get respect. He’s either being dogged over docking a yacht in Rhode Island instead of Massachusetts to avoid taxes, or ignored.
A long time ago I once ran from the edge of Chinatown through the old Combat Zone, chasing a guy who had tried to grab my date's purse. But that was a Boston still worth running for. What the article ain't sayin' is that Kerry expected to get the full senior senator fawning over, the girls, the glam, the lickspittling from the MSM glitterati, after Teddy ended his mortal soiling. It was his goddamn due---after all he had a Purple Heart for cutting himself while shaving in Vietnam, never mind his Silver Stars for bedding his way to Money. .... ..... then came that poseur, Brown, with his Barney Frankish decolletage, and suddenly John was just another sad sack Ely in a world of Harvard Squares. Poor blighted bugger.
He will be an Hillarious SOS....which is what the state of that dept. signals the world about this country.
After more than a quarter-century in the Senate — a tenure that included an unsuccessful run for president — it’s about time Kerry finds his voice. For years, he toiled in Ted Kennedy’s shadow. Then, as the Democrats’ 2004 presidential nominee, he squandered the opportunity by presenting himself in a way that allowed him to be caricatured as an overly-nuanced flip-flopper. After Kennedy’s death, Republican Scott Brown won the newly-dubbed “people’s seat,’’ shocking the political world and creating a new shadow for Kerry to toil under.
Back at home, Kerry doesn’t always get respect. He’s either being dogged over docking a yacht in Rhode Island instead of Massachusetts to avoid taxes, or ignored.
Ain't life a biatch?
More deliciousness.
So now the deep thinkers that sat under Michelle Malkin think
1) Scott Brown is a Republican. (!)
2) Kerry's leaving the Senate would open his seat to "another" Republican. (!!)
Who would take his seat then? Jim "Deval" DeMint?
Run, AA, run!
AA can't run. He was born in Angola or something.
The standards for state office are lesser. Then again...
A long time ago I once ran from the edge of Chinatown through the old Combat Zone, chasing a guy who had tried to grab my date's purse. But that was a Boston still worth running for.
What the article ain't sayin' is that Kerry expected to get the full senior senator fawning over, the girls, the glam, the lickspittling from the MSM glitterati, after Teddy ended his mortal soiling. It was his goddamn due---after all he had a Purple Heart for cutting himself while shaving in Vietnam, never mind his Silver Stars for bedding his way to Money. ....
..... then came that poseur, Brown, with his Barney Frankish decolletage, and suddenly John was just another sad sack Ely in a world of Harvard Squares.
Poor blighted bugger.
I predict he'll become an "elder statesman" for awhile. Maybe talk at Harvard or something.
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