Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Tecs prefers Coanda perpetual motion machine to screechy voice


Tecumseh said...

"Government takeover," like "death panel," is a true description of ObamaCare's essence. These phrases are "inaccurate" only in that they cut through formal distinctions designed to deceive the public. (We wish we could use a barnyard vulgarity in place of the unwieldy clause "formal distinctions designed to deceive the public," but The Wall Street Journal is a family newspaper.)

Pretty good, pretty good. Is the word "bs" allowed on this board, though?

Mr roT said...

Careful with those vulgarities, Tecs! AA gets huffy.

Mr roT said...

You see, Tecs?

Tecumseh said...

This is not a family rag, for sho'.

Arelcao Akleos said...

It's a fumily rage