Yet another instance where Brits spoke up on Truths ours MSM had Ministried away. Herr Rott can confuse his Malvinas for his cojones, but unlike Argentina there are still many folks in Britain with the courage to openly rage against the dying of the light.
Why don't you read the comments? The Brits there say that in the UK the same thing would happen.
What happened to this guy is an outrage, certainly, but which part of it?
GWU is private property and when the campus cops told him to get out of there he should have done what he was told. They should not have beaten him up, but this is DC and DC is Zimbabwe.
Here is the announcement for the talk. It is detestable enough that this stupid broad is giving speeches in DC while the entire Arab world is on fire. Perhaps these days should be busier for her than to allow for the permanent fucking campaign.
Here and here are what happens when you don't behave yourself on a campus.
[1] Uh, Dude, just so you get it, which you probably won't, his "not behaving himself" on campus was to, without a word, or making any noise whatsoever, and carrying no placard or anything that might be construed as a weapon, was to turn his back. That's it. Think about it a bit.
[2] That is exactly 1/2 the point, we are now a country led by the kind of thugs Mobuto is, and their enablers are in our Universities.
[3] That is exactly the second half of the point. "The Brits there say that in the UK the same thing would happen". I have no doubt that if I turned my back on a lecture by Tony Blair's wife's sister, or Prince UpChucky, I would get a taste of the Ultraviolence. Just like the guy got here. BUT, unlike here, there major newspapers would have reported it, whereas ours has such a concerted Ring of Pravda gig going on that this Brit article was the fucking first I ever heard of this [I did not find articles from here until after].
While your busy lauding Pernonistaland as the viable future, Britain still has, as I said, people with the courage to rage against the dying of the light.... opposed to shrugging shoulders from a Wienery and muttering how "Hey, We're All Zimbabwe Now".
"Our" Sonofabitch wasn't anything like what's going to come down the pike, our Sonafabitch is to Egypt That Will Come as the Shah was to the Path to Ahmedinejad. That is true.
So, is that punk ass killer Cad-daffy worse, or better, than will follow when he goes? I don't know. But it's clear that he doesn't intend to find out while yet suspiring.
By the way, before you go all gooey on Muba, don't forget he was quite capable of murder as a means of government. Not above coopting the Brotherhood by engaging in some of its sports...such as has his security services helping out in targeting the Copts for a bit of Ultraviolence, on a nice quickening periodical basis, and so flashing his bonafides to the AlAzhar 'minds'. He was also capable of some, apparently, quite ugly excesses at the last moments, such as the murders of the reluctant prisoners in Cairo, if we can believe those reports.
The "not behaving himself" that got the kid at UCLA tased and dragged out of the library was simply refusal to show his ID card.
That is less obtrusive than standing up in the middle of a talk.
I am sure that if you stood up in the middle of Orchestra in an opera house you would be escorted out with arbitrarily large violence, to the amusement of the rest of the audience.
They own the place, they can tell you to get out. Simple as that.
I agree with you largely about our SOBs. They were bad partly because they needed to be and partly because we let them be (and paid them).
Most will probably be replaced by worse.
What I was getting at was the Pinochet angle.
You might recall Steyn has often brought up the fact that our SOBs seem to be nicer than others'. I.e. ours are not ideological allies and so when they fall, like Pinochet, they don't take half the goddamned population with them like, say, Mao did (without even falling).
I don't have high hopes for these shitheads' replacements either. In the past it has been that the US's SOBs' countries went fairly demo. Let's see.
As of Jan.30: ""
As of Feb.16:
one of the many garbled accounts about prisoners
another not so garbled:
Orders of Magnitude? Yup, 1
Now if you are predicting that Cad-daffy is willing to up the blood by orders of magnitude, to keep his private Fantasy Island Sickocracy going? Sure. I do believe he is capable of that. In that regard it helps that his "army" is his private plaything, a la Saddam, and not a quasi-autonomous force as it was in Egypt.
Now what Blair-Brown did, as they serviced the Libyan bollocks, has to do with a press in Britain that is far more willing to face the truth than our MSM does--you can explain? When our lickspittle licks the spittle, except for harrumphing from Fox, on occasion, all I hear is hosannas or convenient silence from all the major organs of our media. We are not better than the Brits, and yet we are still better than Argentina. That's pathetic in every direction.
Uh, Herr Rott, I understand that doing math with sufficient focus to escape to a happier life in Wien needs focus, lotsa it. So I capsice why certain events of the last 3 decades may have escaped your attention. But, to the extent the Owl of Minerva is still flappin' around, in honor to those who care somewhat about History as opposed to political 'narrative' a la Pepe, let me remind you of what you missed: Pinochet did not fall. At all. He stated when he took power that his goal was to build Chile into a state that could sustain an economically and politically viable democracy. And that when the time came, his government would transition to that. Pepe can rage all he wants, but that is exactly what happened.
So he states his intent. Calls in the guys who could exactly implement what he intended. Then, with the country stable and without political pressure, carries out what he said he intended.
Nope, no way could we surmise his intentions.
Actually, Herr Rott, most true dictators, who intend to keep dictatorship, are pretty direct as to their intentions. If it takes a BloodBaath to prove it. They are Fidel that way.
But that Rara Avis who states intentions of building to democracy and a successful economy, and actually spends money and effort over a robust decade to do so, and then leaves as stated all the way through. Well, as Pepe knows, you can't trust those suckers. They are just not Fidel enough for your tastes.
Good historical points about Pinochet (and, implicitly, the Chicago Boyz), AA.
Of course, Rot thinks Fidel is a benevolent Caudillo, intent upon providing Nanny State largesse upon the grateful peons. Not an ounce of Stalinist in him, no siree.
And, by the way, even a noted pinko like Letelier could see all this better (way back when) than Rot does now: Although the coup was described as a military coup, Orlando Letelier, Salvador Allende's Washington ambassador, "saw it as an equal partnership between the army and the economists".
Mubarak was in for a different kind of economics: to line up his pockets. I read somewhere that he may have squirreled away something like $50 billion -- more than Bill Gates' fortune. Not bad for a 30 year tenure.
As far as I know, Pinochet didn't take a dime, while building up a modern economy in Chile (something Mubarak never tried to do in Egypt). But the pinkos still hate Pinochet's guts almost as much as Bush's. It's a Pepe thing.
Why don't you read the comments? The Brits there say that in the UK the same thing would happen.
What happened to this guy is an outrage, certainly, but which part of it?
GWU is private property and when the campus cops told him to get out of there he should have done what he was told. They should not have beaten him up, but this is DC and DC is Zimbabwe.
Here is the announcement for the talk. It is detestable enough that this stupid broad is giving speeches in DC while the entire Arab world is on fire. Perhaps these days should be busier for her than to allow for the permanent fucking campaign.
Here and here are what happens when you don't behave yourself on a campus.
In other news, AA, the Brits' new ally in the Arab world seems to be a worse sonofabitch than ours in Egypt was.
I propose that you compose a poem to the Magna Charta in observance of this fact.
Another order of magnitude.
[1] Uh, Dude, just so you get it, which you probably won't, his "not behaving himself" on campus was to, without a word, or making any noise whatsoever, and carrying no placard or anything that might be construed as a weapon, was to turn his back. That's it. Think about it a bit.
[2] That is exactly 1/2 the point, we are now a country led by the kind of thugs Mobuto is, and their enablers are in our Universities.
[3] That is exactly the second half of the point. "The Brits there say that in the UK the same thing would happen". I have no doubt that if I turned my back on a lecture by Tony Blair's wife's sister, or Prince UpChucky, I would get a taste of the Ultraviolence. Just like the guy got here.
BUT, unlike here, there major newspapers would have reported it, whereas ours has such a concerted Ring of Pravda gig going on that this Brit article was the fucking first I ever heard of this [I did not find articles from here until after].
While your busy lauding Pernonistaland as the viable future, Britain still has, as I said, people with the courage to rage against the dying of the light.... opposed to shrugging shoulders from a Wienery and muttering how "Hey, We're All Zimbabwe Now".
Yes, it was a hell of a risk to life and limb for a British paper to report on something that happened in DC.
Anyway, I guess I misread your dictum a bit. Yes, US papers are crap and ones elsewhere are even worse, with a (possible) exception of in the UK.
Even in the US, most decent outlets are owned by Murdoch, who is a foreigner.
"Our" Sonofabitch wasn't anything like what's going to come down the pike, our Sonafabitch is to Egypt That Will Come as the Shah was to the Path to Ahmedinejad.
That is true.
So, is that punk ass killer Cad-daffy worse, or better, than will follow when he goes? I don't know. But it's clear that he doesn't intend to find out while yet suspiring.
By the way, before you go all gooey on Muba, don't forget he was quite capable of murder as a means of government. Not above coopting the Brotherhood by engaging in some of its sports...such as has his security services helping out in targeting the Copts for a bit of Ultraviolence, on a nice quickening periodical basis, and so flashing his bonafides to the AlAzhar 'minds'. He was also capable of some, apparently, quite ugly excesses at the last moments, such as the murders of the reluctant prisoners in Cairo, if we can believe those reports.
The "not behaving himself" that got the kid at UCLA tased and dragged out of the library was simply refusal to show his ID card.
That is less obtrusive than standing up in the middle of a talk.
I am sure that if you stood up in the middle of Orchestra in an opera house you would be escorted out with arbitrarily large violence, to the amusement of the rest of the audience.
They own the place, they can tell you to get out. Simple as that.
I agree with you largely about our SOBs. They were bad partly because they needed to be and partly because we let them be (and paid them).
Most will probably be replaced by worse.
What I was getting at was the Pinochet angle.
You might recall Steyn has often brought up the fact that our SOBs seem to be nicer than others'. I.e. ours are not ideological allies and so when they fall, like Pinochet, they don't take half the goddamned population with them like, say, Mao did (without even falling).
I don't have high hopes for these shitheads' replacements either. In the past it has been that the US's SOBs' countries went fairly demo. Let's see.
"Our" Sonofabitch wasn't anything like what's going to come down the pike,...
He was ours alright. We paid him, we bought him.
As of Jan.30: ""
As of Feb.16:
one of the many garbled accounts about prisoners
another not so garbled:
Orders of Magnitude? Yup, 1
Now if you are predicting that Cad-daffy is willing to up the blood by orders of magnitude, to keep his private Fantasy Island Sickocracy going? Sure. I do believe he is capable of that. In that regard it helps that his "army" is his private plaything, a la Saddam, and not a quasi-autonomous force as it was in Egypt.
Now what Blair-Brown did, as they serviced the Libyan bollocks, has to do with a press in Britain that is far more willing to face the truth than our MSM does--you can explain?
When our lickspittle licks the spittle, except for harrumphing from Fox, on occasion, all I hear is hosannas or convenient silence from all the major organs of our media.
We are not better than the Brits, and yet we are still better than Argentina.
That's pathetic in every direction.
AA, check your yahoo mail, quick please.
Uh, Herr Rott, I understand that doing math with sufficient focus to escape to a happier life in Wien needs focus, lotsa it. So I capsice why certain events of the last 3 decades may have escaped your attention. But, to the extent the Owl of Minerva is still flappin' around, in honor to those who care somewhat about History as opposed to political 'narrative' a la Pepe, let me remind you of what you missed:
Pinochet did not fall. At all. He stated when he took power that his goal was to build Chile into a state that could sustain an economically and politically viable democracy. And that when the time came, his government would transition to that.
Pepe can rage all he wants, but that is exactly what happened.
ok, yahoo I go.
About Pinochet, I bet a lot of dictators use that line. That it turned out to be the case doesn't mean it was his intent.
So he states his intent. Calls in the guys who could exactly implement what he intended. Then, with the country stable and without political pressure, carries out what he said he intended.
Nope, no way could we surmise his intentions.
Actually, Herr Rott, most true dictators, who intend to keep dictatorship, are pretty direct as to their intentions. If it takes a BloodBaath to prove it. They are Fidel that way.
But that Rara Avis who states intentions of building to democracy and a successful economy, and actually spends money and effort over a robust decade to do so, and then leaves as stated all the way through.
Well, as Pepe knows, you can't trust those suckers. They are just not Fidel enough for your tastes.
Good historical points about Pinochet (and, implicitly, the Chicago Boyz), AA.
Of course, Rot thinks Fidel is a benevolent Caudillo, intent upon providing Nanny State largesse upon the grateful peons. Not an ounce of Stalinist in him, no siree.
We should have a "Rotter Party Line" label, no?
We got anyone else besides Pinochet or are the rest Mubaraks?
And, by the way, even a noted pinko like Letelier could see all this better (way back when) than Rot does now: Although the coup was described as a military coup, Orlando Letelier, Salvador Allende's Washington ambassador, "saw it as an equal partnership between the army and the economists".
Pinochet was Rara Avis. Mubarak was a more common sort of bird. We've had plenty of those [and worse...]
Mubarak was in for a different kind of economics: to line up his pockets. I read somewhere that he may have squirreled away something like $50 billion -- more than Bill Gates' fortune. Not bad for a 30 year tenure.
As far as I know, Pinochet didn't take a dime, while building up a modern economy in Chile (something Mubarak never tried to do in Egypt). But the pinkos still hate Pinochet's guts almost as much as Bush's. It's a Pepe thing.
Yep. You line your pockets, up to the limit. That means you line them up, like ducks in a row. See that?
Makes perfect sense...on some planet.
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