Saturday, June 25, 2011

Kayla in the hospital


Tecumseh said...

Where is the Minsk/Pinsk label?

Mr roT said...

What does Minsk/Pinsk have to do with it?

I was thinking about "Ukraine" for this one though.

Tecumseh said...

Reading is essential, Herr Rot. Look up the lede, once again: Drugs used to treat prostate cancer in men may also be useful for difficult-to-treat breast cancers in some women.

Get it now, Mr ad literam roT?

Mr roT said...

Like the drugs cure whatevah?

That's good enough for the Minsk/Pinsk label?

I thought this was more about typos or rhyming words or similar things. So like tits and prostates are similar?

Could I keep thinking of them as being different, like, say, Minsk/Herbivore?