Friday, June 24, 2011

Looks like the Blame-America-Firsters like Tecs will be stocking up on popcorn

...of course all of this is really Mexico's fault, deep-down. It's just hard to perceive for linear thinkers that do \lesssims.


Tecumseh said...

Pravda nyet izvestia; Izvestia nyet pravda.

Tecumseh said...

Is it really possible that the Justice Dept. was complaining about sales of AK-47s that don’t have to be reported to the ATF, while the ATF was pressuring gun dealers to sell AK-47s to straw buyers?

Non-linear logic, eh?

Mr roT said...

Ah, this is nuance. The rule is:

Sell guns when we say sell guns. Don't sell guns when we say don't sell guns.

Got it?