Friday, June 24, 2011

Meh, it was just some grunt or something...


Tecumseh said...

Jared Monti, was the first person who I was able to award the Medal of Honor to who actually came back and wasn’t receiving it posthumously.

"to who"? Sounds like Rotterspeak to me, unless you put a comma in between, and read the whole sentence again, slowly.

Mr roT said...

In between what, Tecs?

You should learn to write more clearly at least when you're criticizing our illustrious Fucktard-in-Chief.

Also, you ought to have congratulated me on a particularly brilliant label.

You, in the same situation, would probably label this story with a "Day at the Office on Planet Pepe" or "You don't Say."


Tecumseh said...

In between to and who, like I said. Duh. Reading is essential, Mr Rot. When am I gonna impress that on you in a decisive way?

Label: Brilliant, yes.

Mr roT said...

I think I understand our Historic Idiot's problem.

The living Medal of Honor recip has a wop name too. Sal Giunta.

Monti, Giunta, Minsk, Pinsk, Obama, Farrakhan,...

Tecumseh said...

When are you gonna add the obligatory "Minsk, Pinsk" label?