Friday, July 08, 2011

Chicago economics at its best

Goolsbee then blamed the economic slowdown on a "terrible oil price shock and a slowdown in the growth rate." [...] That was just an odd comment, basically saying that the economic slowdown was due to the fact that economic growth slowed.


Mr roT said...

A great job.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Milton Academy, Yale, MIT, Chicago sinecure.....
..... Horatio Alger, fo sho.

Tecumseh said...

Born in Waco, TX, though. Ain't that standard Rotterland?

Tecumseh said...

Let's print more money, says Brit prof. Why didn't anyone think of that?!

Mr roT said...

Milton Friedman is so dead that his successor went to Milton Academy and ended up in his office, but is a pinko shithead.

Hooray for MIT too, by the way. The last American hope is as dead as Berkeley.

Tecumseh said...

Spirit still lives, but elsewhere: Juan is one of the Chicago Boys.

Mr roT said...

Universidad Católica de Chile.

Of course you prefer the Brits.