Saturday, July 09, 2011

No shame is the name of the game


Tecumseh said...

I hear they have beer halls in Vienna, too. Alas, they only peddle pisswasser, no Stone IPA. So why should I bother, unless you can find me perhaps some real Pilsner Urquell?

Mr roT said...

There's plenty of that Czech garbage.

You should invite me to your palatial department whenever you figure out what a retraction is!

Powww, Mr CD.

Tecumseh said...

Try this. Doesn't sound bad to me.

Mr roT said...


Stone sells pediatric water with more hydrocarbons than that.

Tecumseh said...

You invite me here, I'll drink a pint or five, and put it on your tab.

Mr roT said...

You first. You keep bailing on the juicy problems I shoot you.

Tecumseh said...

How do I even start thinking about such mushy things as open disks? You should try Kompakter Räume, for a change.

Mr roT said...

These squishy balls contract to a connected Lie group, Tecs!

What's more rigid than that?

Wow, first I have to teach you the Wrongskian, and now this!