Friday, September 02, 2011

Another "You Don't Say! " Moment from Planet Pepe [With Love]

Nothing a Soros doesn't feel any guilt about.

Planet Pepe has its various Soc'ian realms, colored in various ugly shades of pink to red and brown to black...but all agree that there is no finer joy than profiting from the Killing of the Kike.


Tecumseh said...

Uh, oh, AA. Sorry, but I'm afraid your tab just grew by a Harpoon.

How about we settle the tab at the Chicken Bone in Framingham one of these days, and merrily bash Der Rotter and his poodle, Monsieur Pepe?

Tecumseh said...

On the other hand, your comments were better than mine, so I'll settle for a half-bottle of Harpoon. They make such?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Nah, it'll have to be the full Harpoon.
Unless Uncle Omar has been to it first.

Tecumseh said...

I'd be happy to share a pint with Uncle Omar. Maybe he can tell us some juicy stories from back home.