Friday, September 02, 2011

Christianophobic pinko babe begs for Pepe


Mr roT said...


"I am in the peak of my sexual prime and way too lovely to be living like a nun."

O'Connor outed herself as a lesbian in an interview with Curve magazine in 2000, but later retracted the statement and in 2005, told Entertainment Weekly "I'm three-quarters heterosexual, a quarter gay. I lean a bit more toward the hairy blokes."

This is not the first time the singer has behaved out of the ordinary. In 1992, O'Connor famously ripped apart a photograph of Pope John Paul II on Saturday Night Live, for which the producers of the show later issued an apology.

Tecumseh said...

Of course, you should have quoted this as "I am in [sic] the peak of my sexual prime..". VCP.

Mr roT said...

Good point. She seems more to be up shit's peak.

Mr roT said...

Mathematically there's nothing wrong though, so you should pay up.

She's at the peak of a mesa, she thinks.

Tecumseh said...

At the peak, not in the peak. Jeez. Can anyone else speak the Queen's English, besides me?

Arelcao Akleos said...

C'mon, Tecumseh, we've gotta hold back before mighty Temptation....that line of yours is a riff that leads you open to all sort of Kingly retorts.
Do not tempt me!

Tecumseh said...

Hmmm... Are you advising against hubris? I agree, my wording was not artful. I just meant to compare myself to that lonely Irish songstress and to that lonely Wienerisch chap.

Arelcao Akleos said...

I understand.. I was referring more to the temptation for cheap jokes on the Queen's english.

Tecumseh said...

The pun is escaping me. Pardon my French, but does "English" have another meaning beyond the canonical one?

Mr roT said...

Duh, Tecs.

"Queen" does.

Tecumseh said...

Ah. Why didn't AA say so?

Mr roT said...

"Kingly" retorts...

Does the poor guy have to draw you a picture of Barney Frank in a gown and tiara?