Thursday, September 15, 2011

Tecs stroking his white cat and cackling at Rot

Fair or not, he’s a lot like Sen. John Kerry in 2004, who was going nowhere until Howard Dean self-destructed.


Mr roT said...

He was also caught off-guard when his sweetly platitudinous support for the Texas version of the Dream Act (giving illegal immigrants in-state tuition at Texas universities) invited boos from the Tea Party audience.

How can NROers not understand that this makes him more electable? Do we need to paste a picture of Sharron Angle in every piece of Falwell-porn?

Tecumseh said...

So, let me get this straight: your campaign plan for Perry is that he'll outcompete Obama on who can better push the Dream Act, and maybe also blanket amnesty for illegal immigrants? Sounds like a winning plan to me.

Mr roT said...

Point is that he can't pander to the Tea Party. He will lose as will any GOPer that tries it, just as Democrats are doomed when they suck the asses of Van Jones.

Dems have a buffer though in that the media shove that garbage under the rug for them and try to make them look moderate. GOPers don't have that luxury.

Perry and the GOP need to figure out a way to keep immigration out of the discourse with the Dems or they will lose.

Simple as that. The demographic facts are what they are. Even if all illegals were shipped out (forget what that would do to the economy, since you faux-blindly claim that agriculture and restaurants are not your problem), the repro rate of the legals outstrips everyone else.

Add to that the fact that Mexicans are more religious and hard-working than Anglos and blacks and you have a suitable group for the GOP's coalition.

No, we can't import enough Romanians, and if an Italian or Austrian were to hear about bringing in Eastern Europeans, he'd probably say he preferred Arabs.

The GOP can kill its future playing stupid games like this, getting Bubba excited in the short term at the cost of the long term.

But what do you care about restaurants?