Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What do you bet that this is bullshit?

Right on time. Bye-ku?


Tecumseh said...

I told you this is a real issue for Perry. He cannot simply squirm out of it, just like that. Bachmann is gonna keep hammering at it, once she sunk her teeth into Perry's side, and found it's soft. (Remember, she did that with T Paw at the first debate, and then he quit.)

The story is bad on several planes -- the way Perry handled the process, by executive fiat (even he now admits he messed up), the cavalier attitude towards individual rights, etc. But potentially more damaging is the charge of "crony capitalism" that Bachmann leveled at him, with the latest twist being "pay to play". If that last one sticks (and I have no idea how the game is played in Austin -- is it remotely a la Chicago?) then Perry is in for some heartburn.

Mr roT said...

I agree that it was a mistake on all those levels for Perry.

I also think that Bachmann is a moron and this will probably hurt Perry and not help her.

It pushes support probably to Romney, which I think is an OK candidate to beat Obama but a total unknown as to what kind of president he would be.

As I have said, Romney has no convictions.

Mr roT said...

...and it is funny that Bachmann hurting Perry with this benefits a guy that did a lot worse with Romneycare.

I have never understood why you think Romney is tolerable.

Tecumseh said...

Santorum made the better argument against Perry on this one, yes. Actually, he came about as the most likable of the 7. Not that he has a chance, just sayin'.

Mr roT said...

Rush on Bachmann's weird beliefs.

Mr roT said...

Ace and his followers see it more like I do.

Tecumseh said...

Rush: Yes, he's right. Bachmann pushed her line of attack a bridge too far. The "cony capitalism" angle is more to the point, at least potentially. (I'm not sure this is a valid gripe against Perry, but there is some appearance of impropriety in all that; Perry has not put it to rest.)

Tecumseh said...

Yet another RINO piles up on poor Rick Perry.

Tecumseh said...

Medical angle looks quite solid for Perry. Bachmann should have kept her mouth shut after the debate, or just stuck to the process/appearance criticism, which is legitimate and fair play.

Tecumseh said...

Rotter Logick in all its glory:

His argument that he did this because he will always “support life” is dangerous hogwash. He mandated government inoculations against STDs because he’s a pro-lifer? It takes some pretty circuitous reasoning to get there, and in the process you’ve conceded the case for pretty much every other kind of health-care intervention by the state up to and including Obamacare.

one could argue that Governor Perry’s rhetoric in defense of his vaccination policy — “I am always going to err on the side of life” — opens the door to all manner of government overreach. Rick Perry is no Mike Bloomberg, but that is the sort of line that the New York mayor might trot out to justify some new dietary ban.

Mr roT said...

Tecs: or just stuck to the process/appearance criticism, which is legitimate and fair play.

Tecs' headachy heroine: Without even a moment's pause, Bachmann shot back, "Well, I'm offended for all the little girls and the parents that didn't have a choice. That's what I'm offended for." It was a clear winner for Bachmann.

Dulcis et decora indeed. Even Pepe's fruity reporter indicated the opt-out, so Bachmann was lying.

Tecumseh said...

Keep diggin'. Even Perry recognized he made a mistake with the way he handled that vaccine (opt-out is a cop-out), why don't you accept that?

It's like with Mac. Once you make your mind that some guy is some sort of genius, you can't broach any evidence to the contrary. It's a manichean view. Like Pepe and socialism.

Mr roT said...

Look up "broach" and try again.

But pay up.