Thursday, April 10, 2008

God and Pepe in Texas


Arelcao Akleos said...

Planet Pepe must be torn asunder on this one. On the one hand, giving a winking pass to depraved bastards who fuck children under the guise of being "true to their religion" is a sine qua non for the Good Pepean. On the other hand, it ain't supposed to be christian bastards who get the pass.
Ah, the Conundrum.

Mr roT said...

zey even say it in zee Franch, "chacun a son goût"...

Pepe le Pew said...

I am afraid the day of last judgment has reached TX anyways.

Pepe le Pew said...

pepeans think people should be afforded the luxury of being true to their "religion" ? right...

Tecumseh said...

From that Texas town: "We have people skills, and we're a lot better to look at than most guys." right...

Pepe le Pew said...

You always get this wrong: we hold all religions in equal contempt, but while the wackos are sending rocks and pellets at us from another galaxy, the evangelicals are at the gates. It's a different threat of course but the head-hackers have the merit of making their intentions clear: they want to separate our crania from our shoulders. The others want to save us from damnation - a thought just as scary given the fact they are already here and have all but taken over the WH.

Dubbyah yesterday was trying hard to keep us on our toes by perorating that the two biggest threats to american freedom are iran & AQ. It seems the Persians are landing.

African killer bees, razor blades in apples at halloween, Y2K bugs exploding nuclear reactors left and right, and now the ghost of Khomeini is about to kick Billy Graham out of the WH, wrap a kefiah over my wife's head and circumcise my kids, boys & girls. The paranoia in the american psycho-landscape knows no bounds.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Pepe, you're wrong on this one: of course the Evangelicals are at the gate, but they are at the gates of Heaven. And Islam Militant has already landed, and if you don't think so, then you haven't been hanging out in the Twin Cities.

Now to swing my hammar of truth the other way: I like how FoxNews tried to distance this group with Mormonism the other day, saying, "This group is in no way connected with the Mormons/CJCLDS." Yeah, right, the same way that Islam Militant is in no way connected with Islam. FoxNews is wrong on this one, but hey, they don't want to loose their Utah/Mitt/AI demographic.

I'm just picking up where Dr. Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine left off.

How's that for a You're-All-Wrong Friday jab? I'll try to sound even more arrogant the next round.

Pepe le Pew said...

nd Islam Militant has already landed, and if you don't think so, then you haven't been hanging out in the Twin Cities.
mft - I haven't been hanging out in the twin cities, but during what they would consider their most successful year in terms of damage done to life in the US, IM's toll is only a fraction of what the flu does, not to mention domestic firearms.

I don't know about you but I am much more concerned by the omni-present and very real threat around urban street corners resulting from the prevailing interpretation of the second amendment than by the fantasy that Ahmadinejad might force me to wear a beard. How many people do you know have been killed by terrorists in the US ? Compare that to the number of people in your community hurt by those who had access to weapons that they shouldn't have got close to?

Compare also the threat to the US from the USSR back in the days to what AQ is capable of. I don't think it justifies the level of anxiety that the neocons would like to impact on us.

Is it a threat ? Sure. So is HIV, drunken drivers, and the mind-numbing omniscience of Brittany Spears in the news.

Pepe le Pew said...

the Evangelicals are at the gate, but they are at the gates of Heaven
you can't be serious.

Tecumseh said...

How did I end up bunched up with the Utah/Mitt/Texas demographic? There is a zest of the absurd in this. (For one, I never been to UT or TX, and I never bumped into Mitt.)

Pepe le Pew said...

yeah but you are the antichrist.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Pepe, that I said Evangelicals are at the gates of heaven, you gotta be kidding me that you took my statement literally. Your righteous in opposing their righteousness, and now I'm being righteous in opposing your righteousness about their righteousness. Holy shit, now we're really getting some where.

Then go return to the standard dogma/stock rhetoric of this 2nd amendment, ahem, "argument" chucked around by Michael Moore, or whoever. Then I could respond with whatever the NRA tells me to instead of probing a little deeper into these issues. This is what turns the majority of thinking people away from politics: just a lot of ideological spew coming from both sides, jargon chucked around here and there, blah-blah-blah. Fucking boring as shit to listen to as we already know what both sides are going to say. Are you boring your students with this shit too? Fuck: poor bastards.

More broadly, do all you guys speak like this with everyone you meet?

Tecumseh said...

Speak like what? As for the students, I talk to them about other stuff.

Pepe le Pew said...

I could respond with whatever the NRA tells me to instead of probing a little deeper into these issues.

If there is one societal issue so clear cut there is nothing deep to dig for, that'd be whether, in the face of rampant gun criminality, pretty much anyone should have access to firepower.