Friday, April 11, 2008

Suzuki Storm Troopers, Stop That Yank!


Shyster said...

I'm not making any representations about the quality of or the concept of this site as I really haven't perused it myself, but I have noticed that several people on the blog have recently become fairly adept at digging up (sometimes obscure) articles refuting human-influenced global warming. Instead of wasting time or energy arguing the point, I'll just point out an obviously biased website which nonetheless directs you to many peer-reviewed scientific studies and articles.

Arelcao Akleos said...

It is not that we are "adept", Shyster, is that the scientific journals are full of contrary articles on different aspects of "Global Warming". Go to your local university library and browse through the journals on earth sciences, climatalogy, planetary chemistry, etc... and you'll see for yourself.
In short, this is very much a live scientific question and for politicians to seek vast political and social change on the claim that leading scientists in the field are sure of the effect [as being beyond natural variation], or of the cause of the effect [amongst those who think it to exist] is an incredible lie.
My point, at least, is that this issue has gone far beyond science and has become a useful fiction fit for purely ideological purposes. And Al Gore is just the Mussolinic face on this nihilism of the mind.

Tecumseh said...

I just don't trust anything that pompous, orotund gasbag has to say. If he says the Earth is warming up, it must mean it's cooling. It's a law of nature.

Mr roT said...

You talking about Rush? Ditto!