Thursday, June 11, 2009

Brüno aflame!

But isn't he the daughter of the POTUS, this Sasha?


Mr roT said...

That Teutonic wit:

She writes, ‘it’s hard to decide which is worse: the insult to Austria, or that Hitler should merely be portrayed as a “black sheep”’.

Uh, I think Cohen is saying that Austrians don't consider Hitler a blacksheep...

Pepe le Pew said...

yeah, it's not like electing a nazi to the highest office would constitute a threat to Austria's world image. SBC on the other hand is the true PR disaster.

Like Hitch famously said (paraphrased): Austria spends a lot of energy trying to convince the world that Beethoven was Austrian and Hitler German.

Mr roT said...

I thought about that quote (of which you informed me) when I saw this.

Mr roT said...

Wait, It's Germany that elected Hitler to high office, not Austria, right?

The anschluss came later.

Mr roT said...

yeah. anyway, I get your drift.

Mr roT said...

Pepe, did you see the trailer?

Tecumseh said...

Wait, It's Germany that elected Hitler to high office, not Austria, right?

The anschluss came later.

Well, duhhh. 1933<1938. Even Pepe would know that.

Mr roT said...

How did that work out, Tecs? If Hitler was an Austrian citizen and they were separate countries...?

Why, that's just like our electing a Kenyan president or something, right?