Saturday, June 13, 2009

Chicago Thought of This

Heck, nothing Obamakles and his Acorns haven't done.

This is, objectively, bad news. But our own Imperator is so quickly piling up the shit in this country that the local stench makes the foreign ones seem like mere variation on the theme.

Yes He Can


Mr roT said...

The terrorist fist bump?

Anyway, this is good news. I would hate for a new Khatami to be elected, giving pinkoids a fake argument to Iran's moderation.

Better everyone to tell the truth. Sadly we only have Obama on this side, but if we must be saddled with that, at least we should have the mad hatter over there.

Also, imagine the BS we would've heard about the Obama Effect!

Ahmadinejad and some phony Orange Revolution in Iran would have been attributed to the Cairo speech.


Arelcao Akleos said...

Those are very good points, Rot. Ok, I change my mind, it is good news that MadJad rigged his continuance in power.[At least until his nukes get radiant]

Mr roT said...

Khatami II would have run the nuke program identically.