Sunday, June 14, 2009

Iran Stops Pretending.

This is pathetic: "was just reading the news about Int'l reactions,WHY R U CONGRATULATING US?! WE R NOT HAPPY!DO U UNDERSTAND?!WE DIDN'T VOTE FOR HIM!
about 14 hours ago from web" Reminds me of those poor kids at Tiananmen. They had no idea that folks like Kissinger and Baker would be given the right to shape the memory of that day. Today, it will be Obamakles and his court jesters of the MSM.

No doubt the good doctors of Qom will proclaim that Democracy is like a Homeopathic "remedy". The closer it is too vanishing, the more effective its' invocation.

Obamakles will blah blah a little. It is what he does. But he has no quarrel with the quommunists.

Moussavi does the Aung

Allahu Akhbar


Mr roT said...

They voted for him alright. Stop with the koolaid. These people are almost all crap, but more importantly, they understand like you don't that the 'opposition candidate' was a plant from the mullahs.

This is the kind of show that the guys in charge put on for the idiots.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Rot, first, there are real divisions in Iran. Within those who support the Islamic Republic, nevermind those who stand outside of it. This split between Moussavi's group [generally the city oriented middle class, the nonIslamic universities] and the Ahmadenijad group [generally the rural or lower class, the Islamic universities] has been obvious for a long time. Neither group is led by people friendly to the West, but internally they have strong differences....and in terms of "expected rationality" they have strong differences. Think of Moussavi as being like Hu, and Ahmadenijad like Peng, and the Ayatollah Khomeini playing the Deng role. These events are no more "puppet show" than Tiananmen Square was.
Second, although to whatever extent there was democracy in Iran was limited to those who supported the Islamic rule [all elections being between factions of these], it did give room for working towards a more moderate, more secular, form of political life in Iran. That MadJads group has won out in this fashion, where even within the IR they are now free to squash all with approval from Khomeini, means [I wager] that the expansionist moment is imminent. Iraq will soon be burning, and much else not long after. This will blow us up in Iraq, Rot. Bigtime. And with Moussavi it might have been different.
Anyway, if you followed the way the results were reported, and the actions taken by MadJad to cut off communication before the election even took place, it is extremely doubtful these results reflect the actual vote.
However, I'm just an idiot fooled by the show.

Mr roT said...

Another angle on the good news. All the demos (if indeed there are any) are taking legitimacy from the mullahs, who run the show anyway, including this puppet show that captivates you.

HuPengDeng I don't remember anything about, but presumably you mean people in actual power, not Tweedledee vs Tweedledum.